Convection&Conduction Vaporizer
2-con has the excellent genes of conduction vaporizer and convection vaporizer.
Very fast heat-up times and almost instant vapour production.
Different from traditional conduction vaporizer, the conduction part of 2-con is not in direct contact with the botanicals, but the rubies are in direct contact with the heating element, resulting in faster heat-up.
Hot air evenly heats botanicals, so there’s no chance of accidental combustion occurring
Review from
This has quickly become my go to portable vape, with desktop rivalling power and extraction of your herb.
The 2-Con is revolutionary not only for being the first portable ball vape, but also the first to the market with independent conduction and convection (hence the name 2-Con).
You have the ability to independently have convection only (via the balls), conduction only (via the heating element surrounding your herb) or a combination of both for unrivalled extraction.
In case you are wondering what a ball vape is, it refers to the chamber containing a large number of ruby balls that is heated. Ruby has excellent thermal retention properties, and with the large surface area of the balls forming a tight matrix, this heat is transferred extremely efficiently to the air as it is drawn through. Ball vapes such as Cannabis Hardware and QaromaShop's offerings are considered end game vaporisers, and now taking a ball vape out and about is possible!
The 2-Con can also be ran straight into a bong or water pipe with no additional adapters required as it features a 14mm and 18mm male joint built in. It also comes in a quality carry case to keep it secure on your travels.